
Major Projects at Purdue

[RA-L 2025]

VILP: Imitation Learning with Latent Video Planning Paper 

[T-ASE 2024] 

LeTO: Learning Constrained Visuomotor Policy with Differentiable Trajectory Optimization. Paper 

[T-RO 2024] 

LeTac-MPC: Learning Model Predictive Control for Tactile-reactive Grasping. Paper


Feelit: Combining Compliant Shape Displays with Vision-Based Tactile Sensors for Real-Time Teletaction. Paper


In-Hand Singulation and Scooping Manipulation with a 5 DOF Tactile Gripper. Paper


Stick Roller: Precise In-hand Stick Rolling with a Sample-Efficient Tactile Model. Paper


SeeBelow: Sub-dermal 3D reconstruction of Tumors with Surgical Robotic Palpation and Tactile Exploration. Paper

[IEEE Sensors-2023

VisTac: Towards a Unified Multi-Modal Sensing Finger for Robotic Manipulation. Paper

Projects before joing Purdue

Research Equipments

"Pan Pan"

Franka Emika Panda

"An An"

Franka Emika Panda





Allegro Hand

WSG 32-068 (x2)

Weiss Robotics

2F-140 gripper (x2)


Microsoft Azure Kinect

Depth camera (x4)

Intel RealSense Depth Camera D455 (x2)

Intel RealSense Depth Camera D405 (x2) 

Markforged Onyx One 3D Printer

Ultimaker S5 3D Printer

GelSight Tactile Robotic Finger (x2), GelSight Inc. 

DIGIT  (x4)

Tactile Sensor from GelSight Inc.

GelSight Mini 

Tactile sensor from GelSight Inc.

ATI Nano17

Smallest 6-Axis Force and torque sensor 

OptiTrack Motion Capture system with 8 PrimeX 13 W cameras.

Aloha Bimanual Teleoperation Kit
